빠른상담 1661-6408
카톡상담 : 단기테솔
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단기테솔 - 테솔자격증 6주완성의 책임감

Module 1 Lesson 1: Self-evaluation (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity 1: Good & Bad Teaching
Activity 2: Categories for Observation
Activity 3: Classroom Climate

Lesson 2: Pairwork and Groupwork (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity 1: Pair and Group Activities
Activity 2: Advantages and Problems
Activity 3: Organising Pairwork
Activity 4: Dividing the class
Module 2 Lesson 3: Using the Blackboard (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity 1: Writing on the Blackboard
Activity 2: Organizing the Blackboard
Activity 3: Blackboard Examples
Activity 4: Structure Table
Activity 5: Prompts for Practice
Activity 6: Using Blackboard Drawings

Lesson 4: Presenting Vocabulary (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity 1: Introduction to Techniques for Presenting Vocabulary
Activity 2: Giving Examples
Activity 3: Combining Different Techniques
Activity 4: Using a New Word
Activity 5: Vocabulary Expansion
Activity 6: Active and Passive Vocabulary
Module 3 Lesson 5: Asking Questions (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity 1: Question Types
Activity 2: Checking Questions
Activity 3: Real Classroom Questions
Activity 4: Eliciting Long Answers
Activity 5: Questioning Strategies

Lesson 6: Presenting Structures (Nimrit)
Activity 1- Structures and examples
Activity 2- Ways of showing meaning
Activity 3- Presenting a structure
Activity 4- Contrasting structures
Module 4 Lesson 7: Practising Structures (Nimrit)
Activity 1- From presentation to practice
Activity 2- Meaningful practice
Activity 3- Organising practice in class
Activity 4- Free oral practice

Lesson 8: Reading Activities (Nimrit)
Activity 1- Pre-reading activities
Activity 2- Using questions on a text
Activity 3- Completing a table
Activity 4- Responding to a text
Module 5 Lesson 9: Using Visual Aids (Nimrit)
Activity 1- Introduction
Activity 2- Using real objects
Activity 3- Using flashcards
Activity 4- Using charts

Lesson 10: Planning a lesson (Nimrit)
Activity 1- Using the teachers's notes
Activity 2 2- Aims of lesson
Activity 3- Stages of the lesson
Activity 4- A lesson plan
Module 6 Lesson 11: Writing Activities (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity One: Controlled Writing
Activity Two: Writing Based on a Text
Activity Three: Oral Preparation
Activity Four: Correcting Written Work

Lesson 12: Eliciting (Allan)
Introduction/Aims of the lesson
Activity One: Eliciting from pictures
Getting to guess explanation
Activity Two: Getting Students to guess
Activity Three: Getting students to imagine
Module 7 Lesson 13: Correcting Errors (Allan)
Introduction/Aims of the lesson
Activity One: Introduction
Activity Two: Strategies for correcting errors
Activity Three: Helping students to correct themselves
Activity Four: Correcting written work

Lesson 14: Listening Activities (Allan)
Introduction/Aims of the lesson
Activity One: Focused listening
Activity Two: Helping students to listen
Activity Three: Using recorded material
Activity Four: Getting students to predict
Module 8 Lesson 15: Teaching Basic Reading (Allan)
Aims of the lesson
Activity One: Learning to Read
Activity Two: Look and Say
Activity Three: Simple Reading Tasks
Activity Four: Sounds and Spelling

Lesson 16: Communicative Activities (Nimrit)
Aims of the Lesson
Activity One: Introduction
Activity Two: Guessing Games
Activity Three: Information Gap Exercises
Activity Four: Exchange Personal Information
Module 9 Lesson 17: Using Worksheets (Nimrit)
Activity 1: Introduction
Activity 2: Worksheets for Oral Practice
Activity 3: Worksheets for Reading & Writing

Lesson 18: Using English in Class (Nimrit)
Activity 1: Introduction
Activity 2: Social Language
Activity 3: Organizing Language
Activity 4: Giving Simple Explanations
Activity 5: English or your own Language?
Module 10 Lesson 19: Classroom Tests (Nimrit)
Activity 1: What should we Test?
Activity 2: Testing Receptive Skills
Activity 3: Testing Grammar & Writing
Activity 4: Marking Free Writing Tests
Activity 5: Oral Tests

Lesson 20: Planning a Week's Teaching (Nimrit)
Activity 1: Learning Activities
Activity 2: Teaching Techniques
Activity 3: Teaching Aids
Activity 4: Types of Interaction